The Dual Pulley Multi Trainer is an extremely innovative and avant-garde machine designed to encompass in a single piece of equipment all the most commonly used machines in a commercial environment. Specifically, the machine consists of a dual pulley with a 90 kg double weight stack and a system adjustable to 16 heights and a multipower rack with a sliding barbell and adjustable to 19 positions. The DP-MT also has a series of attachments, both standard and optional, that extend its applications: a multi-puller truss for traction exercises, parallel bars adjustable to different heights, landmine for barbell with Ø50 mm hole and relative grip, thigh rollers adjustable to various heights for lat pulldown exercises. Furthermore, the machine serves as storage for Olympic barbells, with 2 rear inlets, and for Olympic discus through 6 side pins, in addition to the rear storage system for attachments in the range.
Strength - Diamond Strength