Life Fitness - 5

Recline 95 R inspire

Recline 95 R inspire

Cardiofitness - Life Fitness (refurbished)

€ 1.700,00


Recline 95 Ri

Recline 95 Ri

Cardiofitness - Life Fitness (refurbished)

€ 900,00

Our best-selling all-round horizontal Lifecycle exercise bike features no less than 26 stimulating training programmes and a state-of-the-art upper/lower console with numeric keypad. The console design allows the user to...

Recline bike Integrity

Recline bike Integrity

Cardiofitness - Life Fitness (refurbished)

€ 1.400,00


Run 95 t Inspire

Run 95 t Inspire

Cardiofitness - Life Fitness (refurbished)

€ 3.500,00
