Matrix - 3

Chest press converging matrix Aura S123

Chest press converging matrix Aura S13

Strength - Matrix

€ 1.350,00


Ellittico MATRIX E1X

Ellittico MATRIX E1X

Cardiofitness - Other Brands

€ 900,00


Lat Pulldown diverging Matrix Aura S33

Lat Pulldown diverging Matrix Aura S33

Strength - Matrix

€ 1.350,00

Matrix Aura Diverging Lat Pulldown has an independent diverging movement which provides a natural path of motion along with an angled seat with ergo form cushions to ensure optimal body alignment. Integrated...

Leg extension   matrix Aura S71

Leg extension matrix Aura S71

Strength - Matrix

€ 1.400,00
