Usato - Technogym Excite
Top 1000 Unity

Top 1000 Unity

Top 1000 Unity

€ 2.800,00
iva al 22% e trasporto esclusi

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This TechnoGym arm bike Excite+ Top 700 Unity offers a number of positions for both seated and standing workout .


On this trainer you can exercise your shoulder, arm, back and chest muscles, which are stiff or flabby due to incorrect body posture, working in an office or when your a wheelchair.


The handles rotate both around their axis and around the circle, thus allowing you to change positions and exercise different muscle groups.


The Unity console provide a personalized mix of entertainment, new challenging workouts and innovative features that are designed to deliver results in a fun and easy way.


Categoria: Cardiofitness - Technogym Excite

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